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"Sherí DeGeer provides amazing design talent, vision and results. In over ten years working together Sherí herself is never a disappointment. ...Plus she is charming, fun and a pleasure to work with." N. Adams   "I think the word Luxe was invented by Sherí...everything she touches turns to gold" J. Parks

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I’m Sherí, and I would love to start a conversation with you to see how I can meet your needs. My background is in luxury goods and services, (I know where to find beautiful products). Starting with a career in the closet industry in 1996 working with tradespeople in a plethora of homes from houseboats to multi-million-dollar estates, (this taught me scale and placement). It was then that I realized one thing, this is how I would spend the rest of my life, creating beautiful spaces. After five years of closet engineering, I honed my skills in interior design. Achieving top level sales and awards for a high-end furniture and accessories store laid the foundation to start my own company in June 2004. The world of remodeling comes natural to me being surrounded by the construction industry my whole life. In 2012, I created a luxury paint line, Crown Jewel Luxury Paint of the most foolproof colors that I kept record of. For the past decade these gorgeous colors have coated the walls and exteriors of my vast clientele. Lastly, it is an honor to work with talented tradesmen and exceptional clients!


I have had Sheri' do nearly every room in my house completely. There are a few things left that I still want done and I am always thrilled with her solutions to the projects that I have asked her to tackle. She has never pushed her own ideas on me but rather integrated her substantial design knowledge and ideas to guide me to my desired outcome. Originally nearly every wall in my house was white and I was terrified of choosing color. She, however, is a marvel with paint and is the best person I have ever seen with putting a color style together on walls and ceilings, including ornate stencil work that I enjoy looking at every day on the ceiling and walls of my bedroom. She always has a sp...